IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service
19–21 June 2024 // Guangzhou, China


Panel session topic: "AI and QoS: Opportunities and Challenges".

Date/Time: 20 Jun 2024 (Thur), 14:30-15:30 


Baochun Li (Toronto University, Canada)
Mo Li (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
Jiangchuan Liu (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
John C.S. Lui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Dapeng Wu (City University of Hong Kong, China)


Edith C.H. Ngai (The University of Hong Kong, China)


The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought a significant shift in the way we approach QoS in networking and communications. From cloud computing to edge computing/5G/6G/IoT, AI is being leveraged to optimize QoS and improve user experience. However, integrating AI with QoS presents its own set of challenges. This panel session will bring together distinguished researchers from the community to discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by the intersection of AI and QoS. The panelists will share their perspectives on the current state of research in this area, highlighting recent accomplishments and ongoing projects. They will articulate their perspectives on the role of AI in optimizing QoS, the challenges of integrating AI and QoS, and the potential impact of AI on QoS. Furthermore, the panelists will share valuable lessons and insights gained from their experiences, offering practical advice for researchers and practitioners working in this area. By the end of the session, attendees will have a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by the integration of AI and QoS, as well as a roadmap for future research in this exciting field.
